Tag Archives: reunion

Moving on is difficult…

21 Aug

With Drs. Hicks and Jansen

One of the things we did in Sammy’s life that was extra special to me was attending Sammy’s hospital’s NICU reunion. I loved being able to take Sammy and give the NICU doctors and staff the opportunity to see him healthy and happy. Because they had all seen him at his very worst, they could appreciate just how far he had come. For me, these were the people who educated me–like a favorite teacher–and they were a big part of our lives. They are the ones who saved our son’s life; many of them cried with us, laughed with us, worried with us and celebrated with us.

While watching a local news report tonight, I saw taped coverage from the NICU reunion which had been held today. It was in that moment when I realized that we didn’t get an invitation to the reunion this year–a first since Sammy passed. Although I doubt that I would have gone without Sammy, it caught me off guard to realize that whether I like it or not, the reunion has moved on…and it’s just another reminder that moving on is inevitable. But, it’s okay because I know that if I contacted my favorite doctors and nurses and invited them to lunch, they would go and that would be a special reunion too.

With Nurse Cathy Firestone